Right now, Australia has a once in a generation opportunity to move forward on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice. 

Together, we face a significant moment as a country to vote YES on a referendum for a constitutionally enshrined First NationsVoice to Parliament. 

We are committed to deeply listening to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and walking together for justice, healing and flourishing for all.

We recognise Voice as an important step along the way to hearing and responding to the long standing calls to deeply listen to the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the need to establish treaties, and the importance of national truth-telling. 

You, as part of the Common Grace movement, have a crucial role to play in supporting the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and advocating for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament and for justice.

Pledge your commitment to join us now in speaking up for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice in 2023 at this crucial time for action.

Actions we’ll be calling you to join us in may include: 

  • praying with and for the Movement, attending church events like Aboriginal Sunday (22 January 2023)
  • helping to host and organise events in your local community
  • attending training in order to meet with your parliamentarians about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
  • being inspired to have conversations with your friends and community about the upcoming Referendum
  • supporting the Listen to the Heart campaign with your financial generosity.

Pledge to take action for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice in 2023.

By submitting, you may receive occasional updates from Common Grace, in accordance with our privacy policy.
935 signatures