Call to Prayer for Voice + Justice

Thank you for joining us in prayer for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice. 

Over four weeks, in the lead up to the referendum on 14 October, Common Grace are sharing a series of weekly prayers as we commit this important moment and decision facing our country to prayer.

As many of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders have reminded us this year, we need to be approaching and grounding our response to this referendum in prayer.


“To me all of these issues need to be based on prayer and asking God to guide us and to help us. We need to be coming together at the foot of the cross and acknowledge the history of this nation, which has not been a very good history, and it’s only as we come to the cross and meet with our Saviour that things could change.”

Aunty Jean Phillips, Senior Aboriginal Christian Leader


“One request from me is to encourage the church to work out where their knees are because we need to pray a lot more in this country for the issues of justice.”

Uncle Pastor Dr Ray Minniecon, Aboriginal Christian Leader


Please find below a daily guide to prayers for Voice & Justice that have been shared as part of a weekly email series and daily text message prayer requests. 

We invite you to dedicate time each day in the lead up to the referendum to prayer, and invite others to join you. You may decide to set a daily alarm to prompt you in prayer at the same time each day. Share with your small groups, and with your broader church and faith community. Coming together as a church community, across Australia, in prayer at this time for our country is so important.

May we bring our requests to God as we seek God’s healing and justice to flow across these lands, this referendum year and beyond.

If you would like this weekly prayer email delivered to your inbox please sign up to the Listen to the Heart 'Voice and Justice' Pledge here.

You can also register your details to receive daily prayer requests and bible verses sent directly to your phone in the lead up to the referendum on 14 October by adding your details here

Week One Prayer Requests:

Saturday 16 September

Praise & thanks for the vision, boldness & grace of our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander leaders of the past & present.

Philippians 4:4-7

Sunday 17 September

Pray for the Walk for Yes events happening all over the nation this weekend. That they may be an opportunity for unity and a sustained commitment to walking with First Nations peoples.

Psalm 1:1-3

Monday 18 September

Pray for our country and people in your communities as they continue to engage in conversations over the coming weeks. Pray for truth-filled, gracious and compassionate conversations that are grounded in humility and respect.

Ephesians 4:29-32

Tuesday 19 September

Pray that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people would be safe, free and flourishing. That the gift of their lives and cultures would be a blessing to our nation.

Matthew 19:13-14

Wednesday 20 September

Pray for the Church in Australia. That we may come together in unity under God, while embracing the beauty of our diversity. May we stand together for love, compassion, inclusion and reconciliation.

John 17:20-26

Thursday 21 September

Pray for an end to racism and injustice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. May all Indigenous peoples experience abundance of life through Jesus.

Micah 6:8

Friday 22 September

Pray that the truth of our shared history may be told, and lead to deeper understanding, repentance, healing, and action.

John 8:31-32

Week Two Prayer Requests:

Saturday 23 September

Pray for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders as they speak out into our communities and across different platforms. Pray for wisdom, peace, courage, safety and strength as they speak.

Psalm 37

Sunday 24 September

Pray that the Australian church today can model the example of early Christians in making space for all people to flourish in community.

Acts 2:42-47

Monday 25 September

Pray that God would be at work in each of us at this time - that He would put onto our hearts what grieves His heart and that His spirit would be present in each of our conversations.

Colossians 3:12-17

Tuesday 26 September

Pray for an end to Aboriginal deaths in custody. Pray for God’s comfort and love to surround the families and communities of those who have died in custody. Pray for action to be taken swiftly to promote justice, safety and restoration.

Isaiah 41:17-20

Wednesday 27 September

Pray for the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the nation prepares to vote about their lives and futures.

1 Peter 5:10

Thursday 28 September

Pray that God would be mightily at work, whatever outcome of the referendum, to help move our hearts and communities towards compassion, understanding, healing and restored relationships.

Joshua 1:9

Friday 29 September

Pray that all Australians would have clarity and wisdom as they prepare to vote. Pray that we may all see past the misinformation and fear messages, and engage meaningfully through deep listening, learning and gracious conversations. 

Isaiah 8:11-13


Week Three Prayer Requests:


Saturday 30 September

Pray that we would bring our fears, worries and burdens to the Lord, assured of the rest and peace we find in Christ.

Matthew 11:28-30

Sunday 01 October

Pray that the tears shed and grief felt by those who are travelers on the journey towards justice are not in vain. We pray for restoration, healing and joy to be the foundation of Australia’s future as we take the next step towards justice for our First Nations people.

Psalm 126

Monday 02 October

Pray that as early voting begins today, people will be enlivened with the vision of God’s goodness and restoration for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Revelation 21:4

Tuesday 03 October

Pray for the Common Grace team’s engagement with media over the coming weeks including radio interviews, written articles and podcasts. 

Isaiah 42:1-4

Wednesday 04 October

Pray that the conversations happening across the country leading up to the referendum (in our homes, churches, workplaces, across our communities and in the media) will be full of grace, respect, humility and deep listening.

Amos 5:24

Thursday 05 October

Pray for those attending tonight's Voice Q&A Webinar to come with open hearts and listening ears to hear deeply the voices of Aboriginal Christian leaders.

Pray for questions to be answered and for these conversations to enrich further discussions in the lead up to the referendum.

Luke 18:1-8

Friday 06 October

Pray for safety, strength and health for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders, their families and broader communities, as they work tirelessly for voice and justice.

Jeremiah 22:1-5


Final Week Prayer Requests:

Saturday 07 October

Pray for the burden of weariness to be lifted from all who have campaigned, especially our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters. Renew their spirits, and grant them the energy to continue on this journey with unwavering faith.

Isaiah 40

Sunday 08 October

Pray for the listeners of Positive Media’s podcast ‘In Conversation’ where Safina will be speaking about the importance of 'Yes'.

Give thanks to God for the courage and bravery of Aboriginal Christian Leaders who have followed Jesus in being bold and courageous to call out injustices.

Proverbs 3:1-8

Monday 09 October

Pray that all of our children and future generations will be blessed by First Nations wisdom, culture and faith. Pray that schools, teachers and students will have the opportunity to deeply and truthfully learn about Aboriginal cultures, languages and history.

Luke 11: 9-13

Tuesday 10 October

Pray for God’s healing touch on this nation. We look towards a time when there will be no more suffering, only everlasting peace and abundant blessings in God’s presence. We pray for this reality to break through into our world now.

Revelation 22:1-5

Wednesday 11 October

Prayer request from Madi-Madi elder Uncle Vince Ross:  In Madi-Madi language, the word "Narana" means listening, hearing and understanding the message fully. May we all listen deeply to each other and to the Great Creator Spirit "Mamurra".

Psalm 19

Thursday 12 October

Pray for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian churches and ministries. Pray for strengthening of support, resourcing and relationship with the wider church in Australia.

Luke 10:25-37

Friday 13 October

Pray for the listeners of Hope FM’s Finding Hope podcast where Safina will be speaking about the importance of a 'Yes' to an Indigenous Voice to Parliament at the upcoming referendum.

Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday 14 October

Pray that we would not lose heart in bringing our prayers and petitions to God. May we not grow weary, discouraged or faint as we long and call together for justice. 

May we stand firm in the hope and knowledge that Jesus is faithfully bringing forth justice here on Earth. 

Philippians 4:8-9

Would you like to receive these daily prayers as a text message?

The Common Grace team is also being led by our Aboriginal Christian leaders in a call to prayer through a daily text message. These prayer prompts and requests will be shared daily in the lead up to the referendum. If you would like to sign up for daily text prompts, please add your details here.

To further engage, listen to this beautiful rendition of the song "You're the Voice" performed by Gamilaraay man Mitch Tambo here, "If Not Now" by Paul Kelly here and "I'm Gonna Praise the Lord" by Uncle Nelson Varcoe here